Thursday 19 December 2013

Article Progress

I have now added the interview with my model and a picture to the article. When I place my picture in the middle of my text I had to use text wrap so that the text avoided the picture making it easy to read what was being said throughout the interview.

Finished front cover

Today I finished off my frony cover. To make the readers feel involved I included a smart phone bar code in which they can scan and recieve all of the latest 'BASS' news staright to their phone. I stuck to the house style I orginally agreed on to make my magazine look professional.

Monday 16 December 2013

Double Page Article

Today I started creating my double page article. By using InDesign, it allows me to seperate my article into columns to make it look more professional. By knowing how to add in photo's it makes it easier to wrap the text around the images so that they dont go over the text and make it hard for the reader to understand.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Front cover progress

Today I started adding some cover stories to the front cover. I also added a banner down the bottom of the cover including some more famous people who will have articles written about them within the magazine. I have kept the same house style throughout the design of this front cover which makes it look professional and draws the reader in.

Monday 9 December 2013

Magazine Progress

Over the past 2 lessons and during my own time, I have been creating the front cover for my magazine. I have used a number of different layers and effects in order to make sure the lighting and effects are good enough quality. Above my magazibe's title, I have used the subtitle 'BRITAINS NUMBER ONE POP MAGAZINE' in order to try and draw in the audience which my magazine is aimed at. Next I need to add in extra information and begin to create my contents page and double page article.

Thursday 5 December 2013


Today I started photographing some images ready for my magazine front cover and double page article. I got a number of photographs that were good enough quality for my magazine as the light was fine, camera was focused and still. However on this image the camera appeared not to be on the tripod properly and the photograph has ended up blurry near the hair and out of focus at certain points. For this reason I will not be using the above image and the ones below on my magazine front cover and double page article.